Sunday, June 30, 2024

June Fun 2024

My yard is giving me some beautiful flowers.
June 4th



My "non-flowering" Lilac.
It was truly beautiful this year.

I have 4 Lilac bushes in my yard 
and I love them all.

We watched the grandkids from June 6th to the 9th 
while the parents enjoyed a getaway to St. George.
We got to play some pickleball.
Lydia, Daphne and Mckay

Daphne, Lydia, Mckay and Logan

Lydia and I

Daphne and Logan

June 7th
The peonies are in full bloom now.

June 8th
The kids had fun at the Aquatic center
Daphne and Lydia


Logan and Mckay

All the grandkids conquered running 
across the wibit without falling in.




More pickleball at the house.

June 9th
Indian Legend has it that when you can see the horses's head on  
Mt. Timpanogas it is safe to plant your garden.
Allan didn't wait and planted his tomatoes back in May and used water walls and covers to protect them from the frost on several occasions.
They all survived and now are growing well.

Finally had a butterfly come to my lilac tree.

June 14 - 17th
We went to Las Vegas to attend 
our granddaughter's dance recital.

Liam, Keira and Aidan


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