Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Visit to Griffith's April 21 - 26, 2019

The boys wanted us to come to their house for a visit, 
so we spent spring break at their house!
We spent lots of time playing games.

Nerf Wars
Grandpa and Colin



Terri was so busy with baseball they didn't get to dye eggs for Easter.
We bought a dozen eggs and an egg  coloring kit and let them go at it. 
This kit was called Lava egg coloring, You just used vinegar and the included baking soda and the vinegar bubbled up to color your eggs. The boys thought it was great!!

We got to attend 3 baseball games, 2 of Nathan's and 1 of Brady's.

 Nathan scoring a run!

Brady as catcher.

 Brady playing third base.
 A hit!
 Taking off for third base.
Notice the player with the ball chasing him down.
(far left)
 Being chased to third base!

Waiting to take off for home!
The next series of pictures are my favorites.
You can just see the joy on his face running to home base and scoring!!!!