Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Art Class

I have always had a interest in drawing and watercolors but never really pursued it. I have finally found a lady (our stake RS President) who has been teaching art for over 30 years. She teaches in all mediums so I will be dappling in all forms of art. She teaches all ages but to have an adult class she needed at least 5 people and sometimes that is hard to come by with adults being so busy. I had emailed her months ago about my interest in taking classes. She finally contacted me and we started classes yesterday. I will go twice a month.
At our first class she talked about art and how everyone can learn to draw.
The first thing she had us do was close our eyes and draw what she said, a tree, house, clouds, path to house, bird in the sky, flowers along our path and windows with curtains.

The first art medium she taught was pencil and charcoal. The first thing we did was take our paper and rub dirt into it. She doesn't like drawing on a plain white background so this is one way to change it. The object we used were sunflowers. She had pictures for us to look at and large sunflowers from her yard. Then she just had us start. She gave us tips as we were drawing. Then she said to decide where the light was coming from and start shading our picture based on the direction of the light. 

Our next project was to draw sunflowers again but this time we traced the drawing onto watercolor paper and we will be painting with watercolors at my next class.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fremont Peak September 30, 2014

We have lived in Hollister for 20 years and I have never been to Fremont Peak. Saturday I decided it was time to see the beautiful views. I took 3 ginger pills and made the drive to the park still feeling good. Allan and I took the short hike to the top and were rewarded with a bit of wildlife and these spectacular views

View to the ocean

 Daddy quail watching over his family.
 Quail family

 Proof I was there!

 View towards Hollister.