Monday, April 18, 2022

A visit to the Griffith's April 11 - 15, 2022

Went to California to see the grandkids during spring break.
The weather was stormy through Nevada with high winds and rain/snow and when we got to Donner pass they were requiring chains on the big rigs so it was slow over Donner pass. They had two check points so it added almost 2 hours to our drive. We arrived safely and enjoyed our time with the grandkids.

The trampoline was a favorite with the kids.


Papa (Allan)

Sword fights too.
Brady and Colin

Brady perfecting his flip.

Miniture golfing at Golfland.
Nathan, Brady and Colin

Allan, Terri, Brady, Nathan, Julie

Papa helping Colin build a rubber band powered car.

Happy Birthday to Papa!

Nathan, Papa, Brady and Colin

Allan's favorite.
Angel food cake and strawberries.

After we got home Allan spent all day Saturday completing his birthday gift.


Grandkid time with the Bell's April 6 - 9, 2022

Jeremy and Cameo spent a few days in St. George during the kids spring break.
So we had the kids here for a few days.

We continued Mckays birthday celebration here.
Mckay turned 5 on April 5th. So we had balloons and a present when they arrived.
Mckay brought his birthday cake to share too!

Mckay working on his present with Logan's help.

We had fun at the aquatic center.

And at the park.



Lydia and Daphne


Sunday, April 3, 2022

March Happenings 2022

March has been another quiet month.

I go to the local senior center once a week and do ceramics.
Here are my most recent projects.

Allan and I participated in a club pickleball tournament on March 21st. 
It was fun.