Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September Happenings 2020

Here are the few things we did in September.
We went to the Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point with the grandkids.

We traveled to California to attend Brady's baptism.
On Saturday,Dad fixed the sprinklers 
and found this opossum hanging out in the sprinkler 
control box. 

On Sunday we attended Brady's baptism.
Because the churches are still closed he was baptized in a swimming pool.

We took a hike in Wasatch Mountain State Park.
The trail we took was called the Heber Valley Overlook trail and it had great views of the valley we live in. It was overcast that day and even drizzled on us for a while. The sun did peek out for a few seconds.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Thanksgiving Point Butterfly Biosphere 9-04-2020

We got to enjoy the Butterfly Biosphere at Thanksgiving Point with the grandkids.
Mckay and Lydia



Mckay and Daphne

Logan and Daphne

Glow in the dark scorpions.

Enjoy the Butterflies!

Daphne and Cameo.
Daphne was a little bit afraid of the butterflies but I was able to snap a picture of her and her mom with a butterfly behind them.