Sunday, January 31, 2021

January happenings

We got to celebrate Daphne's 6th birthday!
But missed Logan's 11th birthday because we were self quarantineing because Allan was running a fever one day. So we took 10 days and stayed home. Nothing came of it. The fever lasted one day and no other symptoms
for either of us.

It started snowing Friday evening, the 29th, and when we woke up Saturday morning we had 4 inches of snow. Not a lot but a decent snow storm. Allan was finally able to use his snow blower.

That's all folks.
January was a quiet month.
I am doing this from my new computer which I am very happy with.
We also had family stop by last night.
Lisa and kids, Bob and Ruth and boys, Laura and Grant and kids and Bill.
I forgot to take pictures!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

December Fun 2020

Here are some fun things from the month of December.
Allan caught this picture reflected out our front door window on our neighbors house. Those shadows are some of my nativities in our windows at the back of the house. We thought it was a pretty cool picture!

Allan's Christmas train set up.
The grandkids loved playing with it.

One of my favorites treats to make at Christmas.
Oreo truffles,

My attempt at getting a picture of the
"Christmas Star"
on Monday evening December 21st.

This old man loves pickleball.

I received a snoopy crystal puzzle.
It's harder then it looks.
But it was fun to make even if I had to look up the directions for help.

My newest Nativity.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Gingerbread Houses December 21, 2020 and sleepovers

Jeremy, Cameo and kids came over on Monday and we made gingerbread houses.





Grandpa even made a house out of sugar cookie dough.

Its always great when dad is there to help!

Logan, Lydia, Daphne and Mckay

Logan and Mckay spent the night with us.

Logan almost beat me at wii resort bowling!!

Lydia and Daphne had a sleepover on December 29, 2020
Special request for dinner was pizza. Homemade of course!
 1/3 of the pizza was pepperoni.

Playing with grandpa's legos.
and trains!