Monday, March 31, 2014

Las Vegas Part 3

On Saturday we headed over to the Children's Discovery Museum. I believe the museum is less then a year old. It is pretty amazing. It has 5 different floors and to get to all the floors you have to climb up the center section that has all kinds of activities for kids to do . We had a great time even though we were pretty exhausted by the time we left. Of course the grandkids didn't want to leave. They would have played forever there!!

Jamba Juice area.

Create and design area.

Giant lite brite board in the climbing area to all the floors.

There are climbing tubes and slides too.

Water area on the first floor.
There is a whole pirate area to play and explore in.         Brady

Brady showing off his strength. See the car is off the ground.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Las Vegas Part 2

The boys spent some time riding big wheels and playing outside.

 We celebrated Aidan and Liam's birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese. Here Liam is dancing with Chuck E. Cheese and waiting for some free tickets that are thrown out after the dance. All the kids have fun collecting as many as they can.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Las Vegas

We are in Las Vegas to celebrate Aidan's 6th birthday and Liam's 4th birthday. we brought Nathan with us. Today we went to the park.

I ask the boys to smile and this is what I get!!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ten on Tuesday

1. This really has been an uneventful week.

2. I am getting things together today for our trip to Las Vegas. We are leaving in the morning.

3. Sometimes I feel my weeks are filled with visits like this last week. 

4. I have two sisters in a care facility, one is there permanently and the other is recovering from surgery on her broken ankle.

5.  I try to visit a couple of times a week.

6. I also got my visiting teaching done except for one sister. So it was a full week of visits.

7. We finally got around to watching our netflix movie "42". The Jackie Robinson story. 

8. Sometimes it was hard to watch and realize that parts of our country had so much prejudice against the blacks and said and did so many awful things. I am glad we have come a long ways but still have a ways to go with all races.

9. The next movie coming from netflix is 
World War Z. It is some type of zombie movie but I was told it was pretty good. I will let you know.

10. Our weather continues to be really nice. Today it is looking like we might get some rain.

Friday, March 21, 2014

African Violets

My elderly friend gave me one of her special African Violet pots. I didn't know they had special pots, but you just put water in the bottom and place the second pot with the violet in and it waters itself. Maybe I will be able to keep this plant alive. Just need to remember to keep the bottom pot filled with water. I bought this African Violet at the store today and it was pretty sad looking. Its soil completely dry. Now it is looking good. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ten on Tuesday

1. Allan had his root canal on Thursday. It went well. It took a little longer because his roots were so deep he was told.

2. Afterwards we went to Toys R Us to do our birthday shopping for Aidan and Liam.

3. After we were done shopping the numbness from the root canal was gone enough that we went out to lunch at 5 Guys (good hamburgers and really good french fries)

4. We are heading down to Las Vegas next Thursday to celebrate both birthdays together on Sat. at Chuck E. Cheese!!

5. Nathan is going with us to Las Vegas. He so excited to hang out with his cousins!

6. I think Allan finally got all the trimming done in the yard and we are ready for spring which has been here for awhile now.

7. It has been getting in the 70's everyday now for awhile.

8. I took the car in for an oil change today and also had the battery replaced.

9. It tested at a 228 instead of the 590 when new. They recommended that we replace it. The Escape is 5 years old.

10. Which we decided was a good idea since we will be traveling next week. Better be safe then sorry. :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

I am trying to get in more practice with my camera,
so here are a few pics I took in my backyard last week.