Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Christmas Eve 2016

We hosted Christmas Eve this year. Terri and the boys came over for a couple of hours before they headed over to Dave's family for Christmas Eve.

Colin enjoying Papa's trains.

The McNutt's and Baerwaldt's came for Christmas Eve. We first played Wits and Wagers for families and had a lot fun with that. Then we had soup and braided bread for dinner.
After dinner we gathered to sing Christmas songs and get in the spirit of Christmas. After we each chose a favorite song to sing we watched the Nativity on video. Then we had a yummy dessert made by Cindy.

Cindy at the piano.

 Allan and Margaret
 David, Daniel, Jackson, Crystal, Amber
 Garrison, David, Daniel

 Crystal and Jackson
 Allan, Amber and Margaret
 The Yule Log Dessert.

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