Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thanksgiving at the Dickson Cabin 2016

This year for Thanksgiving we gathered at the Dickson cabin in Cold Springs, CA
Our son in law (Dave Griffith) suggested we gather at the cabin this year. The cabin is his grandparents and they let family and friends use it year round. Dave reserved it for us that weekend. We arrived on Wednesday afternoon along with the Griffith's. Allan and I stopped at Cover's Apple ranch and picked up the pies. Dutch apple, Tri berry and Mile high apple pie. (so yummy) Cindy brought a delicious chocolate pie. The McNutt's and Baerwaldt's joined us on Thursday for the feast and spent the night. We stayed at the cabin until Saturday. We cleaned, packed up and left after lunch and headed to Twain Harte Christmas tree farm where we encountered rain then hail and finally snow. It was quite the adventure.

There was a bit of snow at the cabin when we arrived.
We spent a lot of time playing games.
Allan, Brady and Nathan
Papa and Colin

Mile High Apple Pie!!

Twain Harte Christmas Tree Farm

The snow was so beautiful falling.

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